Sunday, August 25, 2013

This is it!

Well. Here I am. I just finished unpacking completley and setting aside the things I bought earlier today at Target. I am sitting at my desk in my dorm room in Washington, D.C. My internship starts tomorrow. 

Am I excited? Yes.

Am I nervous? DEFINITELY. More so than excited. 

I am terrified and doubtful and just scared in general because this is a new city and I am far away from home (4,953 miles to be exact, and yes, I looked it up). I am starting a new and very different semester which is not at all like school, it is more like a new job. This feels like the most real thing I have ever been thrown at in my scant nineteen years of living, so of course it terrifies me.

But this is another risk that I don't really get to choose to take, I know I have to take it. Because this will make me into the person I want to be: the world-changer I've always dreamed of being.

I am trying to psych myself out now so that I won't be so nervous tomorrow, but I can't. No matter what, I'll be scared and nervous the entire time on the inside, but I know I can't really show it. I just have to make sure I breathe, observe, and listen. And smile and remember how incredibly lucky I am to be where I am.

Cups of coffee: 0
Number of times a creepy guy has said hi to me: 2

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