Monday, August 26, 2013

Day One Done!

Done with the first day! Whoo! It hit me today that this is now school and the real world at the same time. Summer is OVER. I need to get crackin'.

The first day was pretty slow because Congress is still in August recess which means they are not in session. I got to leave early which I will be doing this first week so that I can go around and explore the Capitol grounds and the rest of DC for a little bit before the big jobs flow in. I didn't get to do that today because I had to do a Target run, but I will definitely make sure to bring either a change of clothes or a pair of comfortable shoes tomorrow so that I can go and visit the botanical gardens or something. That'd be neat.

I guess one thing that's been on my mind lately is home. I can't help but compare what I'm seeing here to what I've been used to seeing at home so of course I am homesick. I have never been this far away from home for this long amount of time before and when my dad texts me or I hear my mom's voice on the phone, I still tear up. 

But I know it will get better. The tricky thing is you THINK that thoughts of home will comfort you when you're homesick, but they don't. They make me more emotional. What works is when I'm listening to stories. Duk does that really well, so when I get to talk to him, he makes sure he goes on and on about his day so I don't have to think about mine too much and how far ahead and far away it is from home.

Okay, off to read! This semester is gonna be a lot of reading...

Cups of coffee/tea: 0
Number of times a creepy guy has said hi to me: 3 (REALLY NOW!)

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