Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I ruin DC Nature Shots

It is here! My week’s update, albeit late, is here!

Since I last posted, I have been in the Philippines Embassy not just once, but twice. Like. What even? The events in the Philippines have definitely put lots of organizations and powerful individuals into action. My first visit there was for a discussion between Filipino American leaders regarding a concerted relief effort to help and support those in the Philippines. It was cool, extremely so, to see the genuine care and passion that these leaders from different backgrounds had to help their fellow man. The Filipino idea of pakikipagkapwatao was definitely apparent throughout.

I was there again last night, this time for a Philippine-made furniture showcase. It reminded me of Rebecca and her and her architecture class’ furniture project.
I have been keeping busy in the office as usual but I also have renewed my efforts to have fun through it all. Last Saturday, I went with Guthrie, a high school friend who goes to Georgetown now, to Roosevelt Island where we walked through the forests and the mud and also visited TR’s memorial. So appropriate that he is commemorated in the very nature that he loved (Yeah TR and his big stick and refusal to live the life of ignoble ease but instead to embody the strenuous life!).

As my usual outings with Guthrie goes, the trip turned into a photoshoot. He has a nice camera and this is the first time anyone’s agreed to be his photo subject so Guthrie kinda really directs. As in “I don’t like your bow, it ruins the shot, take it off!” or “Move your hand on this side!” or “Lean this way, not over there!” type of direction. We were on the edge of the island near the side of the Key Bridge and Georgetown University and he told me to stand as close as I could to these low-hanging orange leaves above these slippery rocks in the water. I was wearing my boots that were definitely not slip-resistant and the rocks were covered with mud which made them even more slippery. We knew the water below me, though not very deep because they were covered with jagged rocks, was freezing cold. And he took his time taking shot after shot, pausing in between to change the settings to make sure the lighting was just right, too.

I appreciate him taking the time to take photos and stuff and have no problem helping him but once my feet started aching, I was already complaining, “But I don’t want to model, I just want to go to law school!” to which Guthrie replied, “Well you know law students have creative ways of finding the money to pay for law school…” Really now.
Nevertheless, I did not fall in (yes!) so it was still a fun time. See the pictures I have included below!

The fall is slowly making its way out and winter is creeping in. Winter is coming! That was definitely apparent this morning. The temperatures were the same as before, it has not significantly dipped in a while, but the winds! The winds make it bitterly cold. I like the cold temperature just fine, but when the strong wind chills make it worse, oh boy.

Number of times I've been hit on: 8

People here in DC have mistaken me for the following ethnicities:
Vietnamese (by a Vietnamese lady who owned a food truck)
Korean (the owner of the dry cleaning place I go to for my blazers, by a random guy on the metro, and the lady at the grocery store)
Chinese and Japanese (by the 10 Chinese journalists I took on a Capitol tour)

Two people stopped me last night to ask if I was Filipino! I m ean, it was probably because I was near the Philippine Embassy and because I had a nametag with the Filipino flag on it from the event I attended, but, I mean, it still counts right?


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