Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Buggy Problem

So. This week is proving to be a busy and eventful week. Not only has the Syria conflict been keeping our office phones ringing (subsequently resulting in me having to end later than usual at 6pm now), my roommate Kayla and I also have had our share of issues back here in the dorms.

We have bed bugs. Yep. I have never had a bed bug issue before, but people always tell me how terrible of a tragedy it is. When we first found out, and when everything was up in the air at first, yes, I can see why people would say that it is a tragedy. But right now, I don't think "tragic" would be the right word to use. "Inconvenient" is more fitting. However, the school has been very timely and accomodating to us and our situation. We have been moved to a different (and better!) room while our old room gets cleaned. 

The only issue, which really isn't anyone's fault except the bugs', is that we couldn't take very much from the old room--only the barest essentials. So when we transferred to the new room on Monday night, we were instructed to bring only a set of sleep clothes for that night, and an office outfit for work the next day. In addition to toiletries and electronics, that was all we had. I couldn't even take my purse, just what I needed from inside the purse. I ended up having to use the reusable shopping bag from Target that I used to carry my essentials to the new room to work the next day. We had to leave our groceries, all of our other clothes, shoes, etc. 

After we found out that we couldn't have access to the room until later, we had to go out and buy clothes just enough for two more days--work clothes and sleep clothes. We have also had to buy food daily since we don't have access to our groceries. The school has offered to reimburse us for these inconveniences though for which we are very thankful.

But still! What are the chances right? That this would happen to us this semester. Ahh we are weathering through it, day by day. We were told that a special facility is being set up as quickly as possible here on campus so that we can wash our clothes. Unfortunately we could not do it today since it was not ready yet apparently, so we are hoping for tomorrow. If not, then I will have to figure out some way of washing the clothes I have already bought because nice clothes for the office are expensive, man, even if these are considered the less formal clothes to work, and I can't really go out and buy another outfit (can I?).

Anyway, that is the biggest news for now. The Labor Day weekend was eventful and it involved food, museum-ing, a hot day out in Georgetown and lots more.

But I think this will do for now!

Cups of coffee/tea: 5 
Number of times a creepy guy has said hi to me: 3